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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church

February 2, 2022

Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s
There were two statements from the sermon resources I use that caught my attention while I was preparing to write this letter: 1) “The forces that diminish human life are rendered powerless by Jesus” 2) “Good news draws a crowd; the gospel is found in Jesus!”.

We heard from last Sundays Gospel reading that Jesus first public act recorded in Mark was the exorcism of a demon in the synagogue. This coming Sunday, the Gospel (Mark 1:29-39, see back of this bulletin) tells us that the mother-in-law of the disciple Simon was sick in bed with a fever: “He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them.”

There are many forces in this world that diminish human life. Each of us can make a list from our own experiences: physical illnesses or handicaps, family crises, economic struggles, relationship breakdowns, threats to national and international security, political chaos, the pandemic, etc. Even though “Jesus came that we might have life and have it in all its fullness”, the destructive forces are still at work in our lives and in this world.

Where do you find strength and help as you struggle with the problems in your life? Where do you “discover hope”? There are messiahs of every kind claiming to have the answers. Many of the acclaimed solutions are “do-it-yourself” fixes that we are still trying to make work but with little success. We win some and lose some. We confess our failures and try again.

The forces that diminish human life are rendered powerless by Jesus” “Good news draws a crowd: the gospel is found in Jesus!” The Christian faith is revolutionary and transformational. In our baptism, we are united with Christ. The Word has given us LIFE! We are empowered each day by the Spirit of God. The Word is made flesh within our bodies. Luther described our existence after Baptism as “Little Christs” , the presence of God still living and active in and through us in this world.

Have we caught the thrill and excitement of the Gospel? Of being disciples of Jesus? Of being called to bring Good News to hurting people? Of being connected with each other in this glorious mission? Of being the Communion of Saints? Of having the power and authority to change the world for the better?

Remember: “Good news draws a crowd: the gospel is found in Jesus!” You are a living Jesus!
Blessings on your “Jesus” journey,
Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai

January 25, 2022

Dear Family of Our Redeemers,

We are in the season of the Church Year called Epiphany.  It is a word that we may not understand or consider important.  The meaning, “to make known, to reveal, to shed light on”, is worth our attention. 

It was more than two years ago that my old green minivan died and I was forced to replace it.  I chose to go with a new car that had only moderate “bells and whistles”.  Last evening, a new “red light” started flashing and I am still in the process of trying to understand it and turn it off.  There are other signals, alarms, and informational messages that I will probably never get clear in my head. 

The season of Epiphany is meant to be a time for us to understand the “new thing” that God did for us in sending Jesus to be our Savior.  It will take more than a few Sundays to grasp the awesome blessings of this Gift, we will spend the rest of our lives trying to comprehend and get the full benefit of what God has done for us in Jesus. 

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light!”  This familiar theme has echoed from all the candlelight services on Christmas Eve when the emotional moments of “Silent night, holy night” were experienced in many languages and settings around the world.  No matter how advanced or successful we may feel, there are areas in our lives where darkness persists.  We need for God’s light to break in when we cannot find our way. 

What are the areas of darkness in your life?  What are the areas of darkness in my life? Where does the light need to shine?  Are the days too hard?  Are the nights too long?  There is definitely darkness in the world of 2022 even as there was when the star pierced the night sky on the hillsides around Bethlehem.  War, hunger and starvation, illness, poverty, disasters in nature, death, families in conflict and other tragedies continue to persist. Presidents, kings, world leaders, and elected officials around the globe continue to work long into the night to try to bring light in every place of darkness but with limited success.  Where will we find hope?

God has lighted our candles for us!  The Light has come!   We are walking in the Light!  No matter how much the darkness tries to dominate, it will not win.  The Light of the world has come!  Jesus is the Light of the World!  WALK IN THE LIGHT!

Blessings on your journey of Light,

Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai

December 28, 2021

Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s

When you receive this issue of The Spirit, we will be in the twelve days of Christmas.  We are invited to “keep Christmas” rather than to “spend Christmas”.  During those twelve days we are encouraged to rejoice, worship, adore, enjoy THE GIFT, praise God with the angels, sing, dance, and celebrate the SAVIOR in any way that our imagination can come up with. What an opportunity we lose if we go back to normal and return to business as usual.  The world is not the same since the Savior is born!  We are not the same since the Savior is born!  God has entered our broken world in a very real way and nothing can be the same as before.  “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace'”. 

When a new life enters our homes, everything is changed.  When The Savior enters our homes, our world is  changed.  He brings all the gifts that His names describe.  Instead of bringing gifts to the baby Jesus,  He brings gifts to us.  The names of this Child that often stand out, Savior and Prince of Peace, are descriptive of important areas in our lives that God comes to us.  Savior: “He will save His people from their sins”, and Prince of Peace: “He will bring peace to His people”–these much needed gifts do indeed change everything.

Are you ready to enter the new year with a new vision?  New expectations?  New attitudes?  New hopes?  New faith?  New love?  Our future will be shaped by our perspective.  “What you see is what you get!”  Our church faith statement, “We walk by faith and not by sight”, is a positive affirmation instead of a negative resignation.  When we speak as if the future is out of our control and we don’t know what is coming, it can be an attempt to prepare ourselves for the worst.  We resign ourselves to a bumpy, hard road ahead.  This is not what God had in mind for us when He sent Jesus into our world and opens the door to a new year.  We can never hear it too often: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

As we step across the threshold into 2022, it will be helpful to use the above Bible verse as our creed.  Our faith and our attitude do indeed shape our lives.  It can awaken a sense of excitement if our vision is created by God’s Word.  “God is great! God is good! and God is able to give you a future and a hope”. 

Blessings on your journey into God’s open future,

Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai

November 23 2021 Message

Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s

We have just completed another Church Year. November 21 gave us the opportunity to celebrate “Christ the King” who rules the world with truth and grace. The new Church Year gives us the opportunity to hear the complete story once again of God’s coming into this broken world to renew hope, love, and peace. It is that message that empowers us with courage and strength to live another day.

Advent means “coming”. People of all times and places have been waiting for God to come to their rescue. We are broken. Our world is broken. The evening news is mostly a recitation of tragedy and pain. The insecurities and fears within us cause fighting and devastation. Hope is often hard to find. Life is often lonely and frightening. “Woe is me!” is often felt, even if not expressed. In spite of all the advances and achievements in what we call human “progress”, there is still a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.

Advent means “coming”. People of all times and places have been waiting for God to come to their rescue. We are broken. Our world is broken. The evening news is mostly a recitation of tragedy and pain. The insecurities and fears within us cause fighting and devastation. Hope is often hard to find. Life is often lonely and frightening. “Woe is me!” is often felt, even if not expressed. In spite of all the advances and achievements in what we call human “progress”, there is still a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.

The message of Advent is a welcome change: The prophets of old foretold it. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light.” The promises were being fulfilled. The light was breaking through. Immanuel–God with us-brought comfort and joy. That same “good news” is being announced again. We are both the bearers and the recipients of that life changing Word.

Where is God breaking into your life? It is happening! It is real! It is true! GOD IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! Jesus coming as the baby in a manger demonstrates to us God’s entrance into the journey of every human being. He is born in your flesh and blood. He is born into my flesh and blood. GOD HAS COME AND SAVED YOU AND ME!

The calendar says we are still in the old year, 2021. The season of Advent is announcing that we are in the New Year of God’s coming! There is a high spirit of expectation and anticipation. It is truly appropriate for us to be standing on tiptoe. It is a season to sing songs of hope. We can celebrate while we watch it unfold before our eyes. Our words of encouragement to each other will provide welcome strength as we walk together on the road to Bethlehem. We will see the Baby. We will see God. GOD IS COMING! GOD HAS COME! GOD WILL COME AGAIN!

A Blessed Advent journey to the manger
Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai

About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

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