The Blessing Basket
The Blessing Basket was established on 12th of September 2023 to help out people in the community who may need assistance. Guide lines were created around maintaining confidentiality for both precipitants and donors. An application form was created. Members of the congregation were asked to nominate people who may need a little assistance by filling out an application form. It has started small and will grow as needed.
Poverty Period
Poverty Period is a project established by the Women of the Congregation on the 13th of February 2022. The group was alerted to the fact that some women were having difficulty affording hygiene products. It was learned that the hygiene products are not covered by any state or federal programs. The Women of the Congregation decided to help by providing hygiene products. We have been given grants from Thrivent to help defray the cost of the products. The Women of the Congregation have been purchasing and have asked individuals to purchase hygiene products to give to the Share Care food bank, women’s shelter, and local Libraries.
Women of the Church Service Ministries
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry began in 2019 with knitting and crocheting shawls to give to people who are going through a medical or physical difficult time. It is our hope that the people receiving the shawl feel the support, hope, and assurance of God’s comfort. The making begins with a prayer and ends with a blessing during the church service.
Early Childhood Ministry
Splash program is our congregation’s early childhood ministry. Providing faith formation resources to families with young children ages birth to 3 years. The packs cover age appropriate material each month including a parent newsletter, ideas and support for raising children of faith, and music CDs. Booklets for Godparents are added with resources in helping support raising children. It is our hope that these packets let the children and parents know that we care.
Lutheran World Relief Projects
Along with making quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR) which is done on the third Tuesday of each month, we gather supplies for sewing kits and fabric yardage which are used to train sewing skills, collect bars of soap and personal care kits. The items are assembled according to the LWR guidelines. We believe that everyone needs to feel cared for and to be clean and warm and learn skills to better their lives. These items are sent out where there is a need nationally and worldwide. The quilters group not only makes quilts for LWR but also makes quilts for people when they are baptized, people who graduate from High School, and local disasters, such as fires. We always welcome new members to the group. If you can tie a knot, cut fabric, sew or want to learn to sew, this group is for you. There are two sewing machines at church and some supplies so you just need to show up.