May 24, 2022
Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8)
We are about to enter the longest season in the Church Year Calendar, “TIME AFTER PENTECOST”. June 5 is labeled as the “Day of Pentecost”, the day when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven to the disciples gathered in Jerusalem to empower them for their mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth. It is a day that brings hope, joy, courage, excitement, power, and purpose to the whole Christian Church around the globe. “What does this mean” to you and me individually, and “What does this mean” collectively to Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in 2022?
I suspect that most of us struggle with the issue of “power and powerlessness”. Many of our intentions and hopes about the things we would like to accomplish go unfulfilled. We hope for “baby steps” as we plan to make our lives amount to something. The possibilities seem exciting and energizing as we anticipate what good things we might be able to do with each new day that God gives to us. When we come to the end of day, we usually experience a mix of achievement and failure for what the day has been.
“TIME AFTER PENTECOST” directs us to a power greater than ourselves. Our Creator, Redeemer, and Enabler comes to us with a source of power that has enabled the Church to fulfill its mission for more than 2000 years. The Holy Spirit has come! The Holy Spirit has been given to YOU! YOU have been given “power” that carries you to be and do what God has in mind for your life! The future is filled with victories rather than defeats! You are allowed to be excited as you begin and end each day.
Yes, I do realize that what we hear and see each day on the news from near and far is not good news. The power of evil and the struggle between good and evil is very real. There is so much pain and hurt in the world. Much of it is so ugly that newscasters warn us that it may be difficult to watch. The sufferings, crucifixion, and death of Jesus is also ugly and difficult to hear. But out of the dark days of Holy Week, the new light of Easter has also been shining for 2000 years and more.
So, we live and work in the real world. Like the early disciples who lived and suffered under the cruel power of the Roman oppressors, we deal with Satan and the power of evil in our time. BUT, the living presence of Jesus and the power of PENTECOST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT carries us with hope and strength. We sing and celebrate while we suffer. WELCOME TO TIME AFTER PENTECOST!
Blessings to fellow travelers on the way,
Fred Mai, Interim Supply Pastor