Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s
We have just completed another Church Year. November 21 gave us the opportunity to celebrate “Christ the King” who rules the world with truth and grace. The new Church Year gives us the opportunity to hear the complete story once again of God’s coming into this broken world to renew hope, love, and peace. It is that message that empowers us with courage and strength to live another day.
Advent means “coming”. People of all times and places have been waiting for God to come to their rescue. We are broken. Our world is broken. The evening news is mostly a recitation of tragedy and pain. The insecurities and fears within us cause fighting and devastation. Hope is often hard to find. Life is often lonely and frightening. “Woe is me!” is often felt, even if not expressed. In spite of all the advances and achievements in what we call human “progress”, there is still a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.
Advent means “coming”. People of all times and places have been waiting for God to come to their rescue. We are broken. Our world is broken. The evening news is mostly a recitation of tragedy and pain. The insecurities and fears within us cause fighting and devastation. Hope is often hard to find. Life is often lonely and frightening. “Woe is me!” is often felt, even if not expressed. In spite of all the advances and achievements in what we call human “progress”, there is still a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.
The message of Advent is a welcome change: The prophets of old foretold it. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light.” The promises were being fulfilled. The light was breaking through. Immanuel–God with us-brought comfort and joy. That same “good news” is being announced again. We are both the bearers and the recipients of that life changing Word.
Where is God breaking into your life? It is happening! It is real! It is true! GOD IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! Jesus coming as the baby in a manger demonstrates to us God’s entrance into the journey of every human being. He is born in your flesh and blood. He is born into my flesh and blood. GOD HAS COME AND SAVED YOU AND ME!
The calendar says we are still in the old year, 2021. The season of Advent is announcing that we are in the New Year of God’s coming! There is a high spirit of expectation and anticipation. It is truly appropriate for us to be standing on tiptoe. It is a season to sing songs of hope. We can celebrate while we watch it unfold before our eyes. Our words of encouragement to each other will provide welcome strength as we walk together on the road to Bethlehem. We will see the Baby. We will see God. GOD IS COMING! GOD HAS COME! GOD WILL COME AGAIN!
A Blessed Advent journey to the manger
Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai