As the calendar turns over to February, our thoughts turn to love. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Tradition has it that the chubby cherub Cupid hangs around on Valentine’s Day launching arrows of love at unsuspecting lovers. I think when we are children, we are excited by the possibility that Cupid might send a crush our way. Of course, children also like the candy that comes with the holiday and exchanging Valentine cards with their friends and classmates.
When we become young adults, our vision of Valentine’s Day changes. At this age, we are not as innocent in our understanding of love. We look for or maybe long for that special someone to come into our lives, and we hope for candy and flowers or that something special from that special someone. I remember watching florists deliver bouquet upon bouquet of flowers to various apartments and dorm rooms when I was a college student, always dreaming that someday one of those bouquets would be for me.
Once we marry, our love matures over the years. We maybe don’t dream as much about flowers and candy as we hope for a simple meal and time spent together with loved ones. We commemorate the holiday with gifts for our children and grandchildren when they arrive. We love matures into something more than fanciful romance.
Valentine’s Day has its roots in faith. The holiday is named after Saint Valentine who was a third-century priest whose ministry was rooted in acts of love and sacrifice. Saint Valentine defied the Roman laws of the time by secretly marrying Christian couples and assisting believers who were being persecuted. It was his love for Jesus Christ that led him to show such love and to take such risks. He sought to do good for others, even at great personal cost.
Today, the day is focused more on romantic love, but the history behind it leads me to wonder. Imagine what our world would be like if each of us embraced the desire which Saint Valentine had. Imagine if we really tried to mirror Jesus by showing as much compassion, mercy, and love as we can to all the people we meet. Imagine how that compassion, mercy, and love could spread to even more people.
The Bible tells us that love originates from God. “We love because God first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) The season of Lent this year doesn’t begin until March, but our theme for this year will be how God’s love is shown to us in our lives. Perhaps this month during which we think about love will lead us naturally into our studies about God’s love during the season of Lent.
Blessings on you as you share your love!
Pastor Beth