Last month I talked about how April showers bring May flowers. So how are your May flowers doing? This year everything seems to be blossoming and blooming early because of the lack of snow that we had this winter and because that spring snowstorm we had in April brought much-needed nutrients into the soil.
Of course, May is about more than flowers. We hear the chirping of birds in the morning and the buzzing of bees during the day. Butterflies flit from plant to plant. The skies are clear, and the wind is cool and refreshing. The school year is wrapping up. Graduation plans are in place. We all become more active as the temperatures warm up. This is perfect weather for hiking and nature walks.
There are a number of health benefits that come with the spring weather. We emerge from our winter hibernation. There is a psychological boost. Depression and anxiety which are common during the winter can be replaced by hope and optimism. Spring is notable for its rejuvenating and joyful nature. The sunshine and the blossoming plants make us smile when we see them and smell them. We simply feel better when the weather is sunnier and warmer, and when people feel better they tend to be nicer to one another.
Within church life, we also gain a sense of renewal as we hear the good news of new life during the seven weeks of the Easter season. We hear the stories about the Risen Christ in the assigned readings on Sunday, and they reenergize our spiritual lives. We remember once again that Christ died for our sins and rose again. This brings about feelings of happiness and love and hope and joy.
So, our May “flowers” are more than flowers. There is much that grows and blooms in our lives during this time of the year. I hope you all are feeling better these days and that your health is good. I hope you are enjoying all the blessings that come our way during the Spring of the year.
Pastor Beth