Operation Christmas
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) supports vulnerable populations each and every day who are on their path to recovery by helping to ensure a safe and affordable home, a thriving family, and independence. LSS cannot do this work alone and welcomes our assistance.
LSS’s Vision is: Healthy communities filled with people using their God-given gifts to serve.
LSS’s Mission is: Act compassionately. Serve humbly. Lead courageously.
Homme Youth Director, Pamela Cotton, is asking us here at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Congregation to join her and LSS in bringing some holiday spirit to those they serve through Operation Christmas. The groups they are serving include boys, ages 10 through 18 years.
The gifts we are contributing for these boys can be dropped off at church in the entrance way. Please leave gifts unwrapped.
The Operation Christmas list is as follows:
1. New Clothing, sizes medium – extra large
2. Athletic Shoes, sizes 8-11
3. Legos for ages 10
4. Badgers/Brewers/Bucks items
5. Winter Jackets/Snow pants
6. PSA games rated “E”
7. Sweatshirts
8. McDonald’s gift cards
9. Fishing gear
10. Word find/Crossword games
11. Teenage/adult Coloring Books
12. Remote control cars
13. Games
14. Snowmobile gloves
15. Axe products gift sets
16. Basketballs/Footballs
17. Origami Paper in Books
18. DVDs – G or PG movies
19. Men’s/teenage boy’s necklaces
20. Wallets
21. Rubik’s Cubes
22. Snow boots, sizes 8-11
23. Slippers
24. Watches
25. Art supplies
26. Nerf guns
27. Young teenage cologne