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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church


I have been mindful as of late of some things that I am grateful for simply because those things have not been there when I needed them to be or when I expected them to be. People say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think absence also leads to gratitude.

I recently went to the Kohl’s store where I used to work to purchase some new washcloths. I was struck by the fact that they now have self checkouts. When I worked there two years ago, I know that already then they were having trouble getting enough people to work at the checkout registers. Since then they have even remodeled part of the store to eliminate one whole bank of registers, but now to find self checkouts really surprised me. I have been seeing self checkouts more and more in stores, but I don’t like them. There are too many things that can go wrong (as evidenced by having often seen an employee having to help people with their transaction anyway). Self checkouts are also an area where a great deal of retail theft takes place which hurts everyone in the long run. I miss having people check out my purchases.

We also had two worship services at church recently without music. For me, this is my worst nightmare. As a worship leader, I can do everything in a worship service except lead music. I’m not a musician, nor am I a singer, so I can’t help facilitate music in worship. As a worshiper, I love the music that is shared, even the wee ones who play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” for the very first time. Even the sour notes are music to my ears. I miss music when there is none.

We have also been without an office secretary at the church since the beginning of October when Christy re-retired. While we should have someone beginning in November, the office jobs in the meantime fell on me. Christy had put together the outlines of worship bulletins through the end of November, but there were still things to add and to change each week, plus copying and stapling them. Christy had also put together a framework for the November newsletter, but I still have to finish adding information before copying and distributing it. I miss having an office person when there is none.

As our thoughts turn to those of thanksgiving at this time of the year, my thoughts are at a place of missing things and being extra, extra grateful when those things are present. Have a joyful month of Thanksgiving!!

Pastor Beth



Lessons taught early on

I’m sure that each and every one of us was taught as a child that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. In the classic children’s movie “Bambi,” Thumper even repeats, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”

There are other sayings that have a similar meaning:

I’m sure that each and every one of us was taught as a child that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. In the classic children’s movie “Bambi,” Thumper even repeats, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”

•            Bite your tongue.

•            It’s better to bite your tongue than to eat your words.

•            Be careful with your words; they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

•            Keep your lips sealed.

Unfortunately, we don’t always remember this lesson taught us from early on. Other times, we don’t realize what we are saying before it comes out of our mouths. Or it sounds better in our head than when it comes out. We say things we don’t mean. And too often, our words hurt other people.

I have heard several stories recently about how people have been wounded by words that other people said to them. I, too, have been wounded in the past by the words people have said to me. Sadly, “wounded” is the word that has been consistently used. That is truly what words can do. Words can wound us deeply whether they are said thoughtlessly, carelessly, or intentionally. Unfortunately, such wounds stay with us. We can sincerely forgive the one who spoke the words. We can move forward and continue to work with that person. But we carry the wounds with us, and sometimes those wounds can change our lives completely. Envision nailing a nail into a board. You can always remove the nail, but the hole remains. The wound remains.

So, back to that lesson we were taught as children. We really need to stop and to think about our words before we use them. We need to ask ourselves some questions before we speak. Is it necessary to speak? Is it better to keep our opinion to ourselves? How might these words harm? How can we clearly communicate what we mean so that our words do not bring about harm?

As it says in Ephesians 4:29, “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.”

Pastor Beth



September, a strange transitional month

I always find September to be a bit of a strange transitional month. It’s generally still warm, but we also sometimes get frost. Our garden produce is in its prime, but we also have to harvest it, especially if we get frost. The children go back to school, but there are still plenty of summer events like county fairs for the family to attend. There is still plenty of daylight, but the leaves begin to turn colors. It’s not really still Summer, and it’s not yet truly Autumn.

I actually really love September, even though it is a bit unusual. When I was a child, I was always excited for September because school was starting, and I loved starting school. It was exciting to find out who my teacher was and which friends were in my classroom. As I advanced each year in school, there were new challenges and opportunities. As we got older, we were given more privileges, and it was exciting to find out what those would be. But, of course, those days are far in the past for me. But, I still love September just for different reasons these days.

September is a month of anticipation. As the weather changes, what will it be? Rain? Cold? Warmth? When will the colors of the leaves on the trees change? How much harvest will we get from our gardens and fields? September is a time to pull all the rest of the garden plants and prepare for winter.

September is a month of beauty. The leaves on the trees do change color, but they are not alone. Certain flowers flourish in the September air and bring new beauty. Some crops in the field turn color as harvest time approaches. Some wild animals change color as their coats prepare for winter. Even frost itself brings about a lovely coat of white.

September is a month which marks time and passage. Football and volleyball seasons begin. Pumpkin spice everything surrounds us. We snug away our lawn furniture, our summer clothing, and anything else which needs to not be left out in winter. We tune up our snow blowers and furnaces and get out warmer clothing, jackets, and blankets. We need to be prepared for what is to come.

And September is a month for us to give thanks. There is so very much for us to be grateful for. Transitions in particular cause us to pause and reflect and give thanks. I pray that this September as our lives transition from one season to another we do also give thanks to God for all that we have been given and for all that we receive.

Pastor Beth



Small Churches

I read a lot of interesting articles, primarily because I belong to some very interesting online groups. On July 6, of this year, an article was published by Karl Vaters entitled, “8 Experiences Every First-Time Guest Should Have in a Small Church.” I found it to be especially interesting not just because I serve in a small congregation, but also because when we were on vacation in June, we attended a small congregation for the first time, so that experience is fresh in my mind.

In the article, he talked about the fact that with big churches, you pretty much know what you will find when you visit: age-appropriate children’s ministries, professional-quality bulletins and brochures, and high-end paid musicians. He compared it to eating in a national-chain restaurant. You know what to expect. However, small churches vary much more widely. It’s more like checking out the local diner in a small town: you don’t know what you will get, but you take the risk because you are hoping for something you can’t find anywhere else.

Here are the eight experiences according to Karl Vaters that every guest should be able to expect when visiting any healthy small church:

1. Genuine, intentional friendliness = Most people think their church is friendly because that’s where their friends are. However, friendliness is not automatic. We must be intentional about seeing people that we do not recognize, genuinely greeting them, and welcoming them into our midst.

2. Meeting the pastor = A simple greeting and handshake with newcomers before or after the worship service goes much further in welcoming visitors than preaching the best sermon ever. However, the pastor may not know who is visiting so it is helpful for church members to take the visitors to the pastor.

3. Sincere and passionate worship and prayer = A congregation does not have to have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir or a fantastic pipe organ, but worship can still be passionate and sincere. Real worship is about turning our hearts toward Jesus in praise and prayer.

4. A building that looks like it’s cared for = Again, the building does not need to look like a European cathedral, but it needs to be clean and kept up. That does mean budgeting for long-term maintenance. But the almost-free things like cutting the grass, tending the flowers, cleaning the restrooms, and painting the building show great care and concern.

5. Accurate, up-to-date ministry information = Whether it’s the Sunday bulletin, a website, or a Facebook page, the information must be accurate and up to date. It would be better to have nothing than to have inaccurate or out-of-date information.

6. Obvious signage = Once people have found us, they need to know where everything is (especially the sanctuary, coffee, bathrooms, and classrooms). Signage doesn’t need to be expensive, but people need to be able to find the basics.

7. A clear practical presentation of the Gospel = We should never be sloppy, boring, or inaccurate with our presentation of the Good News. Nothing else matters if the Bible is not honored, taught, preached, and lived in the simplest and clearest way possible.

8. Opportunities to serve inside and outside the church = Look at your bulletin and newsletter. Listen to announcements. People want to participate in the ministry of the congregation. If churches only offer internal opportunities, people will turn away.

Pastor Beth




Repairing the Broken

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken or chipped items such as pottery with a lacquer that is mixed with gold or silver. The pottery can then be used once again. There is no denying that it was broken. But there is a beauty in the repair. This way items that have special meaning can be brought back to life, and such broken items are not simply thrown away. The repairs also add to the item’s beauty.

It seems to me that this is what our God does for us when our sins are forgiven. Quite often we can feel devastated and broken because of things we have done or things that have been done to us. In those times, God’s loving arms reach down into our lives to comfort us and to forgive us of our sins. God does not love us any less. God does not see our brokenness as ugly. God looks at us with the loving eyes of a Father and only sees us as beautiful. Perhaps the fact that we turn to God in our brokenness makes us even more beautiful in God’s eyes.

I think we all would agree that living through difficult times can help us to grow in life. According to an article from UWHealth from April 2020, research has found that up to 70% to people experience positive psychological growth from difficult times, such as a deeper sense of self and purpose, a greater appreciation for life and loved ones, and an increased capacity for altruism, empathy, and desire to act for the greater good. The actual journey going through pain, agony, confusion, and grief is not fun, and it can take a long time. However, we learn lessons about life along the way, and we grow stronger because of that journey.

You know, the butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame, just as we don’t need to look back on our past in shame. Our past is part of our own transformation in life. Those transformations allow us to change into someone different, someone better, someone more beautiful. Again, they are not easy, but they are a part of the journey.

Back in February when the members of the church council met on a Saturday for a council retreat, we talked very openly about where we as a congregation have been. We talked about old wounds and hurts, and we committed ourselves to moving beyond those things to turn over a new leaf. We are now halfway through the year. I trust that we are continuing to do those things as a whole congregation.

May we all pause, look back, and give thanks to God for bringing us through the challenges of life while we are trying to turn over new leaves.
Pastor Beth

Pastor’s message for May

A Mother’s hands reach out to bless her children
and reach up to praise the Lord.
They’re always loving, often praying, and
ever giving more than she keeps for herself.
A mother’s hands may tire
but they never expire in their efforts
to do good for those she loves.
A mother’s hands may age,
but her influence lasts forever.

I found this verse on the front of a greeting card on a Christian supply site. For many people, this speaks to how they view their mothers. Mothers do so very much for their children when their children are young and even when they are adults. They continue to do so very much when they become grandmothers, also. We can never be grateful enough for all of what our mothers do for us all of our lives.

My Mom died a little over a year ago. We are grateful that her health led her into a care facility at the end of 2019, so she was taken extremely good care of by the staff of that care facility during Covid. We suspect that it would have been a disaster if she had still been living alone in her own home when Covid hit. Instead, they took terrific care of her and doted on her at the facility. The staff there became like family to her.

As we know, we someone dies, there is that year of firsts – birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and memories without them. My Mom’s birthday was in February, and when it came around this year missing her hit me much harder than I anticipated. So I decided that instead of leading worship on Mother’s Day this year, I am giving myself a break. I am taking Mother’s Day weekend off this year. I just need to take care of myself this year as all those memories of her come flooding back.

I hope that you are able to celebrate with your mothers and grandmothers this Mother’s Day. It is a wonderful day to honor those special women in our lives. They continue to be part of our lives forever. I wish you all many blessings on your celebrations.

Pastor Beth

Hoping for Spring

As we enter April, I am hoping that spring will finally arrive, closely followed by summer. I am looking forward to flowers, sunshine, warmth, butterflies, and so many other things we haven’t seen in months. There’s just such an obvious promise of new life that comes with this time of the year. I can’t wait for all of that!

I especially look forward to seeing butterflies. They are some of my favorite creatures on earth. They are so delicate and dainty, yet they are strong can hold their own in the wind. They are also so colorful and beautiful that they make me smile.

Butterflies are also a sign of new life. When Art and I were looking to purchase our home 20 years ago, we had a realtor who always wore a butterfly pin on her shoulder. She was a lifelong diabetic, who was diagnosed back in the 1940s. That was an era when medicine didn’t really know exactly how to treat diabetes. Insulin was first discovered in 1921, but even in the 1940s there was still much to learn. For our realtor, her father was a doctor so he used all of his medical knowledge to keep his young daughter alive. Because of the struggles she had with her diabetes, she appreciated how fragile life could be. She wore the butterfly pin every day as a reminder of the new life she was given each and every day. She greatly appreciated the time she had been given on earth.

On April 9 this year, we will celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus had died on the cross on Good Friday and rose from the dead Easter morning. He was transformed in just a few short days. Throughout the ages, butterflies have been used to represent this transformation. A caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon and comes out a butterfly. Jesus’ body was put into a tomb, and the resurrected Christ came forth out of it. Therefore, butterflies remind us of the greatest story ever told, the story of our faith.

Drew Barrymore said, “I’ve always loved butterflies, because they remind us that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.” Amen to that! No matter our age or our circumstances in life, we always have the opportunity to transform. It might be small changes, but it might be large changes. We can do these things because of Christ who gives us the strength to accomplish them.

Have a blessed Easter!

Pastor Beth



March is always a month of Celebration

For our family, March is always a month of celebration. All the sisters have birthdays. First comes our sister-in-law whose birthday is on the 12th. Then comes Art’s sister whose birthday is on the 18th. And then comes my sister whose birthday which is on the 23rd. In the midst of all of that was also Art’s parents’ wedding anniversary. So for years and years, I have looked forward to the month of March as a time to get together with family to celebrate.

I have always thought that those celebrations come at a good time. By the month of March, we here in Wisconsin tend to be very tired of winter. I know I am. We look forward to spring, even though it typically doesn’t arrive yet in March. For me, it is always good to have something to look forward to. It keeps my spirits up. It makes me happy.

Thankfully there are other special days to remember and to celebrate in March:
1. The first Friday of March is World Day of Prayer, which is a day set aside in Christian churches in over 170 countries to pray for the people of the world.
2. March 14 has become National Pi Day, a day to celebrate the mathematical concept of the number that never ends (3.1415926………). It has also become a day to celebrate pi by eating a slice of pie.
3. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day which remembers the Patron Saint of Ireland. We all like to become a little Irish on that day to party and eat corned beef and cabbage.
4. The first day of Spring will be on March 20. Quite often it doesn’t feel like spring yet in Wisconsin, but marking the date of the Spring Equinox reminds us that warmer weather isn’t too far away.

I look forward to Spring every year (even if it doesn’t always arrive in March). It reminds me that hope springs eternal. It reminds me that we are able to move beyond tough times. It reminds me that we all have second chances. It reminds me that life comes forth out of death.

During this month of March as we find ourselves in the tug between winter and spring, my prayer is that we all will find something to celebrate. Each day should give us a reason to celebrate and to give thanks to God. I hope that you find many blessings this month.

Pastor Beth

Ducks in a row

I try to keep all my ducks in a row,
but at least one of them always waddles off.

Does anyone else have this feeling about life? To get your ducks in a row means to organize your tasks and schedule so that you are ready for the next step. Real ducklings, of course, walk in a nice neat line behind their parent. In theory, having our ducks in a row would mean we are well organized and able to keep things in line.

I try to be organized and to work ahead and to be prepared. My theory is that if I have the basics organized, I can better deal with last-minute changes as they come along. That’s the theory. However, sometimes my best-laid plans don’t work out so well. I make plans based on the information that I have and then that information is either incorrect or gets changed. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all the changes that come my way. And quite often, my plans go out the window. Does any of this sound familiar?

We are currently still in winter. Here in Wisconsin, we know that snow and ice can drastically change our plans. We know that illness or injury can change our plans. We know that car trouble can change our plans. We know that people who work very differently from us can change our plans. Despite our efforts and our best-laid plans, those plans can change.

2023 celebrates 250 years since Pastor John Newton wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.” He wrote it to accompany his New Year’s Day sermon in 1773. He based that sermon on 1 Chronicles 17:16-17:
16 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and said, “Who am I,
O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? 
17 And even this was a small thing in your sight, O God;
you have also spoken of your servant’s house for a great while to come.
You regard me as someone of high rank, O LORD God! 

In this passage, King David wonders something that we probably all have wondered. With all of God’s creation, all the billions of people in the world, and all of what happens in the world, how is it that God watches over each and every one of us? And, why does God watch over each and every one of us?

Pastor Newton wrote the words of “Amazing Grace” based on his own experiences in life. He had served as a sea captain once when a violent storm came up and struck his ship so severely that all he could do was call out to God for mercy. That was his “the hour I first believed” moment. The words of “Amazing Grace” do not explain why God watches over us so closely, but they celebrate the fact that God does. Even when our plans do not go as we want them to, God’s grace comes close and carries us through.

February 22 is Ash Wednesday this year. We will be having worship each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent. Our lessons each week will look at a variety of Bible stories and how we see God’s grace at work in each story. Please join us each week as we examine those stories and our own and witness for ourselves God’s amazing grace.

Pastor Beth

I try to keeping my ducks in a row

Entering into 2023

We are entering into 2023, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I enter every new year filled with excited anticipation, wondering what will happen that year. The same is true this year. I wonder what adventures and changes will come my way. I hope everything will be wonderful, but I know that there may be some challenges along the way. What I hope most of all is that the events of the last few years have taught us to appreciate every day, so I want to begin 2023 with a message about how our mindset affects the events of our lives:

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.
When you wake up, take a second to think about
what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing,
I assure you it will start to feel like one.
Time spent appreciating is time well spent.

This year my husband and I will be starting the new year going on a trip with our nephew, Benji. What we have done with our nieces and nephews upon their high school graduation is take them on a 10-day trip to where they wish to go. Benji actually graduated from high school last June, but he didn’t want to travel then, so we are traveling now between his college semesters. He requested to go to the Grand Canyon in Arizona and other national parks in Utah and then to the Hoover Dam and Las Vegas for this trip, so that is what we are doing. Each of these trips has allowed us to spend one-on-one time with each niece and nephew before their lives take them elsewhere.

This means that I am guaranteed at least one adventure in 2023. None of us knows what the future holds, but I truly hope that we know that God is with us no matter what happens. Through all ups and downs, God is beside us watching over us. Being a child of God doesn’t make us immune to brokenness, pain, or hardship, but it means that we have an anchor to hold us in the midst of a storm. That is a promise that holds me steady no matter what I go through.

May this New Year truly be a blessing to you!

Pastor Beth

Bell tower
About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

© Our Redeemer's Lurtheran Church. All Rights Reserved.

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