Preparation – now is the time to prepare. We are about to embark on the busiest holiday time of the year.
Recently on the radio, the two radio hosts talked about the trend that has taken place in the United States over the last few years, which is to decorate absolutely every room in the house for Christmas. Because there are so many Christmas-like items out there in the world of retail, people’s collection of decorations has become overwhelming. Instead of simplifying and reducing our collections, we are now choosing instead to spread our decorating throughout the house, and we are purchasing even more to do just that. What used to be a decorated tree inside and maybe some lights outside has turned into holiday shower curtains and toilet paper inside and a full winter wonderland outside.
Behind all of that decorating is a great deal of time preparing – planning out a theme for each room, collecting together the decorations, and taking the time to put everything in its place. The last few years Art and I have bucked the trend. We haven’t even put up a tree or gotten our Christmas decorations out because we haven’t wanted to spend the time decorating when both of us – I as a pastor and Art as a baker – get too busy with work to enjoy the decorations any way. We decided that we didn’t need to put up a tree for the two dogs to enjoy while we were gone. And then we also got cats – enough said!
Preparation – now is the time to prepare. We are about to embark on some of the busiest holy days of the year.
In the midst of decorating and holiday concerts and parties and caroling and family gatherings and shopping and all of the rest, we as Christians also need to take time to prepare ourselves spiritually to meet the Christ Child once again. The reason we celebrate this time of the year is because God sent a tiny baby to a faith-filled couple in a manger in Bethlehem so long ago. This was the beginning of Jesus’ life – a life that changed the world. This was the beginning of the event that continues to change our lives today. We as Christians must remember that Jesus Christ is why we celebrate this holy time of the year.
Preparation – now is the time to prepare. The season of Advent is the time for us to prepare. Take some time this season to pray, to meditate on the Christmas story, and to remember what Christmas is really all about.
Pastor Beth