Greetings, Our Redeemer’s!
My name is Beth Macha, and I am your new pastor! For most of you, you already know me. It’s been ten years, but I was your interim pastor. Plus, I did have a few preaching gigs here earlier this spring. I’m looking forward to being your settled pastor now.
I have been thinking a lot lately though about how much we have all changed over ten years. For instance, when I started as your interim pastor I was recovering from having my knee scoped. Now I have a whole new knee. Then I had 3 dogs, Maggie, Emmie, and Daisy. Now I have 2 dogs (Genny and Angel) and 2 cats (Rocket and Comet). Then I had no regular exercise routine. Now I Jazzercise several times a week. Then I had no food allergies. Now my body is gluten intolerant so I have to be very careful with any foods made with wheat, barley, or hops.
You get the idea. Our lives change over the span of ten years. We are the same and yet we are different. I will try to remember that as I reenter the Our Redeemer’s Church family. You all have changed over the years, too. That means that we know each other, but we also will have to re-meet and re-get to know each other. I look forward to that.
There are other things that are the same, of course. I’m still married to the same man, Art Hanson. We will celebrate our 30th anniversary in October. We still live in Green Bay. We still love to travel, though Covid interrupted much of that. We are still huge sports fans and love to go to Brewers games and football games.
I am still working on figuring out a regular church schedule. I plan to have some set office hours which will be posted on the door of the pastor’s office. I have to remember that I am ¾ time, and the members of the call committee keep encouraging me to remember that. Because I am ¾ time, I will be continuing to work part time in the deli at Festival Foods, mostly Fridays and some weekend evenings.
I look forward to my time serving with you. See you soon!
Pastor Beth