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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church

Adopt A Family

We will be proceeding as we did last year, with monetary donations. There are 3 options for donating, as there were last year. Please give or mail donations to Beverley Hicks (designate Christmas Family on your envelope or check) place in an envelope in the basket under the giving tree in the narthex, or give/mail to Erika Schindel. We’d like donations by December 5th. Last year we were able to provide to 2 families with your generous giving! Thank you! Please contact Erika at 920-590-0384 or schindel4@gmail.com with any questions.

Due to cut backs by the Nurses Nook, breakfast and snack items are no longer being provided to the weekend backpack program. The guidance counselor at Suring Tabitha Fendrick, is asking individuals, organizations, groups and churches, for the following food items to include in the backpacks, so the children have enough nutrition available to them on the weekend. If you’d like know more or would like to provide monetary donations or support to this cause, please contact Erika Schindel for information. Look for the basket for donations.
Items most needed are:
-Flavored Oatmeal packets

  • Granola bars
  • Fruit cups
  • Any Individual packaged snacks
  • 6 pack Cheese or peanut butter sandwich crackers, individually packaged

Thank you for your support!

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About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

© Our Redeemer's Lurtheran Church. All Rights Reserved.

Site By: Packerland Websites