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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church

125th Anniversary Committee

Thanks to all who helped with and attended the 125th Anniversary of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church.Three dates were set for our celebration–September 12th, 19th, & 26th. All confirmands were sent out invitations to these events.

September 12th, 2012, was a fun event with coffee, milk, and donuts.  A trivia game was played with Pastor Mai being the MC.  It was entertaining to see how much we recalled of these last 25 years.  Large mum plants were given away as prizes, as well as Thrivent t-shirts. 24 folks attended.

September 19th, 2021, ice-cream bars were handed out as we watched Dora Slang (chair-person of our History Committee) show slides of the building of our present church.   Many were interested in the work on the building and also how we looked 25 years ago.  The congregation was involved in each building phase, so with team work much money was saved.  36 people attended this event.

September 26th, 2021, was the 3rd celebration and the Grand Finally with Worship Service at 10:30 A.M.  The choir started the service with 2 prelude songs.  During the Service, the Ludtke’s graced us with a beautiful harmonizing song.  Pastor Rich Block, who was here at Our Redeemer’s from 1989-1999, assisted with the Worship Service.  A noon meal served 75 people in the Fellowship Hall.  20 confirmands came for the service and meal.  After the meal, Pastor Block had some welcome comments. He now is a Pastor in Rosholt, WI.  Pastor Carol Christianson also came and spoke of her time at Our Redeemer’s.  Pastor Carol was here from 2000-2004.  She lives in Roselawn WI and serves as a supply Pastor.

We thank those who used their Thrivent accounts to help defray the cost.  Thanks to those who helped serve and clean up.  Also, thanks to the Church Secretary for her help with the Booklet.  Please take a Booklet of the last 125 years of your History, here at Our Redeemer’s.

At each of the events a free-will offering was collected.  The money will go to the ELCA–Appleton Office and will be forwarded to Fort McCoy to assist the Afghanistan refugee’s situation here in Wisconsin.  $1921.00 was collected and sent.  The committee members worked hard to bring and celebrate the story of the last 125 years of Our Redeemer’s. Allyn Christensen (chair-person), Corinne Roscoe, Barb Krueger, Dora Slang, and Jeanette Kootaka, Committee for the 125th Anniversary of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church.

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About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

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