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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church

Pastor’s message for May

A Mother’s hands reach out to bless her children
and reach up to praise the Lord.
They’re always loving, often praying, and
ever giving more than she keeps for herself.
A mother’s hands may tire
but they never expire in their efforts
to do good for those she loves.
A mother’s hands may age,
but her influence lasts forever.

I found this verse on the front of a greeting card on a Christian supply site. For many people, this speaks to how they view their mothers. Mothers do so very much for their children when their children are young and even when they are adults. They continue to do so very much when they become grandmothers, also. We can never be grateful enough for all of what our mothers do for us all of our lives.

My Mom died a little over a year ago. We are grateful that her health led her into a care facility at the end of 2019, so she was taken extremely good care of by the staff of that care facility during Covid. We suspect that it would have been a disaster if she had still been living alone in her own home when Covid hit. Instead, they took terrific care of her and doted on her at the facility. The staff there became like family to her.

As we know, we someone dies, there is that year of firsts – birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and memories without them. My Mom’s birthday was in February, and when it came around this year missing her hit me much harder than I anticipated. So I decided that instead of leading worship on Mother’s Day this year, I am giving myself a break. I am taking Mother’s Day weekend off this year. I just need to take care of myself this year as all those memories of her come flooding back.

I hope that you are able to celebrate with your mothers and grandmothers this Mother’s Day. It is a wonderful day to honor those special women in our lives. They continue to be part of our lives forever. I wish you all many blessings on your celebrations.

Pastor Beth

Hoping for Spring

As we enter April, I am hoping that spring will finally arrive, closely followed by summer. I am looking forward to flowers, sunshine, warmth, butterflies, and so many other things we haven’t seen in months. There’s just such an obvious promise of new life that comes with this time of the year. I can’t wait for all of that!

I especially look forward to seeing butterflies. They are some of my favorite creatures on earth. They are so delicate and dainty, yet they are strong can hold their own in the wind. They are also so colorful and beautiful that they make me smile.

Butterflies are also a sign of new life. When Art and I were looking to purchase our home 20 years ago, we had a realtor who always wore a butterfly pin on her shoulder. She was a lifelong diabetic, who was diagnosed back in the 1940s. That was an era when medicine didn’t really know exactly how to treat diabetes. Insulin was first discovered in 1921, but even in the 1940s there was still much to learn. For our realtor, her father was a doctor so he used all of his medical knowledge to keep his young daughter alive. Because of the struggles she had with her diabetes, she appreciated how fragile life could be. She wore the butterfly pin every day as a reminder of the new life she was given each and every day. She greatly appreciated the time she had been given on earth.

On April 9 this year, we will celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus had died on the cross on Good Friday and rose from the dead Easter morning. He was transformed in just a few short days. Throughout the ages, butterflies have been used to represent this transformation. A caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon and comes out a butterfly. Jesus’ body was put into a tomb, and the resurrected Christ came forth out of it. Therefore, butterflies remind us of the greatest story ever told, the story of our faith.

Drew Barrymore said, “I’ve always loved butterflies, because they remind us that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.” Amen to that! No matter our age or our circumstances in life, we always have the opportunity to transform. It might be small changes, but it might be large changes. We can do these things because of Christ who gives us the strength to accomplish them.

Have a blessed Easter!

Pastor Beth

March is always a month of Celebration

For our family, March is always a month of celebration. All the sisters have birthdays. First comes our sister-in-law whose birthday is on the 12th. Then comes Art’s sister whose birthday is on the 18th. And then comes my sister whose birthday which is on the 23rd. In the midst of all of that was also Art’s parents’ wedding anniversary. So for years and years, I have looked forward to the month of March as a time to get together with family to celebrate.

I have always thought that those celebrations come at a good time. By the month of March, we here in Wisconsin tend to be very tired of winter. I know I am. We look forward to spring, even though it typically doesn’t arrive yet in March. For me, it is always good to have something to look forward to. It keeps my spirits up. It makes me happy.

Thankfully there are other special days to remember and to celebrate in March:
1. The first Friday of March is World Day of Prayer, which is a day set aside in Christian churches in over 170 countries to pray for the people of the world.
2. March 14 has become National Pi Day, a day to celebrate the mathematical concept of the number that never ends (3.1415926………). It has also become a day to celebrate pi by eating a slice of pie.
3. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day which remembers the Patron Saint of Ireland. We all like to become a little Irish on that day to party and eat corned beef and cabbage.
4. The first day of Spring will be on March 20. Quite often it doesn’t feel like spring yet in Wisconsin, but marking the date of the Spring Equinox reminds us that warmer weather isn’t too far away.

I look forward to Spring every year (even if it doesn’t always arrive in March). It reminds me that hope springs eternal. It reminds me that we are able to move beyond tough times. It reminds me that we all have second chances. It reminds me that life comes forth out of death.

During this month of March as we find ourselves in the tug between winter and spring, my prayer is that we all will find something to celebrate. Each day should give us a reason to celebrate and to give thanks to God. I hope that you find many blessings this month.

Pastor Beth

Ducks in a row

I try to keep all my ducks in a row,
but at least one of them always waddles off.

Does anyone else have this feeling about life? To get your ducks in a row means to organize your tasks and schedule so that you are ready for the next step. Real ducklings, of course, walk in a nice neat line behind their parent. In theory, having our ducks in a row would mean we are well organized and able to keep things in line.

I try to be organized and to work ahead and to be prepared. My theory is that if I have the basics organized, I can better deal with last-minute changes as they come along. That’s the theory. However, sometimes my best-laid plans don’t work out so well. I make plans based on the information that I have and then that information is either incorrect or gets changed. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all the changes that come my way. And quite often, my plans go out the window. Does any of this sound familiar?

We are currently still in winter. Here in Wisconsin, we know that snow and ice can drastically change our plans. We know that illness or injury can change our plans. We know that car trouble can change our plans. We know that people who work very differently from us can change our plans. Despite our efforts and our best-laid plans, those plans can change.

2023 celebrates 250 years since Pastor John Newton wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.” He wrote it to accompany his New Year’s Day sermon in 1773. He based that sermon on 1 Chronicles 17:16-17:
16 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and said, “Who am I,
O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? 
17 And even this was a small thing in your sight, O God;
you have also spoken of your servant’s house for a great while to come.
You regard me as someone of high rank, O LORD God! 

In this passage, King David wonders something that we probably all have wondered. With all of God’s creation, all the billions of people in the world, and all of what happens in the world, how is it that God watches over each and every one of us? And, why does God watch over each and every one of us?

Pastor Newton wrote the words of “Amazing Grace” based on his own experiences in life. He had served as a sea captain once when a violent storm came up and struck his ship so severely that all he could do was call out to God for mercy. That was his “the hour I first believed” moment. The words of “Amazing Grace” do not explain why God watches over us so closely, but they celebrate the fact that God does. Even when our plans do not go as we want them to, God’s grace comes close and carries us through.

February 22 is Ash Wednesday this year. We will be having worship each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent. Our lessons each week will look at a variety of Bible stories and how we see God’s grace at work in each story. Please join us each week as we examine those stories and our own and witness for ourselves God’s amazing grace.

Pastor Beth

I try to keeping my ducks in a row

Entering into 2023

We are entering into 2023, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! I enter every new year filled with excited anticipation, wondering what will happen that year. The same is true this year. I wonder what adventures and changes will come my way. I hope everything will be wonderful, but I know that there may be some challenges along the way. What I hope most of all is that the events of the last few years have taught us to appreciate every day, so I want to begin 2023 with a message about how our mindset affects the events of our lives:

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.
When you wake up, take a second to think about
what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy.
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing,
I assure you it will start to feel like one.
Time spent appreciating is time well spent.

This year my husband and I will be starting the new year going on a trip with our nephew, Benji. What we have done with our nieces and nephews upon their high school graduation is take them on a 10-day trip to where they wish to go. Benji actually graduated from high school last June, but he didn’t want to travel then, so we are traveling now between his college semesters. He requested to go to the Grand Canyon in Arizona and other national parks in Utah and then to the Hoover Dam and Las Vegas for this trip, so that is what we are doing. Each of these trips has allowed us to spend one-on-one time with each niece and nephew before their lives take them elsewhere.

This means that I am guaranteed at least one adventure in 2023. None of us knows what the future holds, but I truly hope that we know that God is with us no matter what happens. Through all ups and downs, God is beside us watching over us. Being a child of God doesn’t make us immune to brokenness, pain, or hardship, but it means that we have an anchor to hold us in the midst of a storm. That is a promise that holds me steady no matter what I go through.

May this New Year truly be a blessing to you!

Pastor Beth

Bell tower

Advent and Christmas Message

I’m sure that most people are in the midst of Christmas shopping already at the beginning of December. I know people who begin their Christmas shopping during the after-Christmas sales the previous year. I also know people who shop for Christmas gifts year-round, buy them, and hide them away until December.

We human beings put a lot of time and effort into Christmas shopping and trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on our list. Worldwide each year, people go over 1,000,000,000 (that’s one trillion) dollars in debt buying Christmas gifts. The average American spends almost $1000 each year purchasing Christmas gifts.

We begin the month of December in the middle of Advent. The season of Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day. Traditionally, it was meant to help us to prepare our hearts and lives to meet the Christ Child born in a manger once again. It is meant to be a time of meditation and reflection as we anticipate the birth of Christ.

However, too often we are so wrapped up in all the festivities of concerts and parties and gift shopping and visiting with family and friends that we forget what Advent is supposed to be about. Back in 2006 there was a group of pastors who wanted to change that. They wanted to take the season back from overstuffed schedules, credit card debt, stress, and dread and return once again back to the hope, peace, and joy which the angels of old spoke of. This group of pastors came up with “The Advent Conspiracy.”

They wrote a book and put out a series of videos, all geared toward changing people’s attitudes about what the season of Advent should be all about. Over the years, the Advent Conspiracy has become a movement of congregations, families, friends, and organizations which have made the declaration to celebrate Christmas in a radical, God-honoring way. The four tenets of the Advent Conspiracy are: Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love all.

During worship this Advent we are going to examine the four tenets of the Advent Conspiracy. The Wednesday evening Bible study is going to study these four tenets also. I’m excited for this series and for the discussions that will happen around it. Please make a point to join us and invite your family and friends to join us also.

May this Advent and Christmas truly be a blessing to you!

Pastor Beth

The Giving Tree 2022

Thanksgiving Message

I am so very grateful this very moment,
to have a roof over my head,
food to eat, clean clothes to wear,
a warm bed to sleep in,
drinkable running water, electricity…
We take so much for granted,
when there is so much to be grateful for.

   In November, our minds turn to gratitude because Thanksgiving is just around the corner. In addition to the turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, we are reminded to give thanks and to remember to be thankful for what we have in life.
   I have a friend who is a Presbyterian pastor in Iowa. When she was newly ordained as a pastor, she remembers that every time she went home for a family function, she was asked to say grace, just because she was a pastor. It didn’t take long before she got tired of always being the one who had to say grace, so she decided to do something about it.  When she went home for Thanksgiving that year, she was once again asked to pray.  So she did… for all the food, each dish individually by name… for each and every person around the table by name… for each relative that was not there… for the dogs and cats in the family, each by name… for the doors and windows and ceiling… for the vehicles that brought each family member to the Thanksgiving celebration… for the chandelier overhead and the pretty wall paper on the wall… for the houseplants and the harvest from the garden…. You get the idea. Her prayer went on and on and on.
   She made her point, and I don’t know if she was ever asked to say grace at a family function again. However, she also wasn’t wrong. As we look around our homes, our families, our friends, our lives we have a lot to be thankful for. Many of these things we overlook.  Many of the people we take for granted.
   We need to stop and take note of all the blessings that surround us, not just at Thanksgiving but always.  In October my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary.  During those 30 years we have had ups and downs like all people. We have had times of plenty and times of want. It is those times of want that have taught us the most. We really appreciate the fact that we have food in the house, not just the ability to go out to eat. We really appreciate the jobs we have had which have helped us to get through the tough times. We really appreciate the family and friends who have been supportive, especially the ones to whom we could tell the truth about what was going on in our lives. We really appreciate the medical care we have received when we’ve needed it. We really appreciate the ability to simply go for a walk together and spend time surrounded by God’s beauty.
   I am happy to have the month of November and the celebration of Thanksgiving to remind us of our blessings. But I also hope that we pause periodically all year long to do that, also.

Thanksgiving blessings to you all!
Pastor Beth

Sept 2022 share care pantry

The Covid pandemic

The Covid pandemic has taken its toll on everyone in one way or another. Many people have gotten the disease. Some people died from it. All of our lives were disrupted in some way, shape, or form, at least for a time. Mental illness surfaced. People lost jobs. The way in which we do any of a variety of thing has changed and may never return to the way we used to do them. Even though much of life has returned to more normality, there are still areas of our lives that have not.

In last month’s article for the newsletter, I mentioned that I jazzercise several times a week. At the beginning of the pandemic, all jazzercise studios across the nation shut down. However, in place of in-person classes, we could stream Jazzercise on Demand and take classes in our own homes, which I did. Quite often the instructors on JOD would say, “Put your hair up in a ponytail and join me on the dance floor.” It struck me that I hadn’t had hair long enough in 20 years to be able to put my hair up in a ponytail.

At the same time, all hair salons were closed for several weeks. In the midst of all that, I decided to let my hair grow for a while. I didn’t have a plan. I just decided to let it go. In 2000 when I last had long hair, I had it cut and donated 16 inches to kids with cancer. In the summer of 2020 two friends each donated their hair to cancer patients. Still, I had no plan. My hair just grew. Then this past spring I realized how long it was getting. In early July I had my beautician trim it up, and then we set an appointment for September 14 to get it cut off for donation. Once she cut it off on September 14, we discovered that I had 11 inches of hair to donate to kids with cancer.

Originally, I had my heart set on donating my hair to women with cancer to honor so many friends and family who have needed wigs while going through chemotherapy. However, I discovered that most of the donation sites for women with cancer only ask for financial donations and are no longer taking hair donations. Instead, after due diligence I decided on a site for kids with cancer, and I mailed my 11 inches of hair off to them.

In general, I tend to be much more of an optimist than a pessimist. I seem to always try to find a silver lining in whatever the situation. At the beginning of Covid I tried diligently to find silver linings, but it was difficult after a bit to do so. But once I decided to donate my hair, I figured that at least one good thing had come out of the pandemic. I would have never grown my hair long again had it not been for the pandemic. Now there’s a wig-making charity which has 11 inches of thick healthy hair to use to make a wig for a child with cancer.

We never know what opportunities may come our way. Sometimes we are looking for them. Sometimes they fall into our laps when we aren’t looking. The goal is to take the opportunities that come our way and use them for good.

As the pandemic took hold of our lives in 2020, I came across this saying: “Don’t give up on this year. Keep fighting for the good. Keep showing up. Keep loving. Keep giving back. Keep being kind. Keep being brave. Keep caring. Keep trying new things. Keep showing grace. Keep on. This world needs you to believe in the good.” Amen.
Pastor Beth

Pastor Beth’s first service Sept 2022

Message from Pastor Beth

Greetings, Our Redeemer’s!

My name is Beth Macha, and I am your new pastor! For most of you, you already know me. It’s been ten years, but I was your interim pastor. Plus, I did have a few preaching gigs here earlier this spring. I’m looking forward to being your settled pastor now.
I have been thinking a lot lately though about how much we have all changed over ten years. For instance, when I started as your interim pastor I was recovering from having my knee scoped. Now I have a whole new knee. Then I had 3 dogs, Maggie, Emmie, and Daisy. Now I have 2 dogs (Genny and Angel) and 2 cats (Rocket and Comet). Then I had no regular exercise routine. Now I Jazzercise several times a week. Then I had no food allergies. Now my body is gluten intolerant so I have to be very careful with any foods made with wheat, barley, or hops.
You get the idea. Our lives change over the span of ten years. We are the same and yet we are different. I will try to remember that as I reenter the Our Redeemer’s Church family. You all have changed over the years, too. That means that we know each other, but we also will have to re-meet and re-get to know each other. I look forward to that.
There are other things that are the same, of course. I’m still married to the same man, Art Hanson. We will celebrate our 30th anniversary in October. We still live in Green Bay. We still love to travel, though Covid interrupted much of that. We are still huge sports fans and love to go to Brewers games and football games.
I am still working on figuring out a regular church schedule. I plan to have some set office hours which will be posted on the door of the pastor’s office. I have to remember that I am ¾ time, and the members of the call committee keep encouraging me to remember that. Because I am ¾ time, I will be continuing to work part time in the deli at Festival Foods, mostly Fridays and some weekend evenings.
I look forward to my time serving with you. See you soon!
Pastor Beth

Pastor Beth (circa 2012)

Pastor Mai’s final Post

Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s

I am very excited and thankful that Pastor Beth Macha has accepted the Call from Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church to serve as Pastor of the congregation as we move into the future. We were blessed by her ministry a few years ago when she served as the Interim Pastor while the congregation was in transition between “called” pastors. Our future as a congregation has just brightened with hope and anticipation as we plan for a new era of ministry with her in this community. It is an exciting time to be a member of Our Redeemer’s.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Interim Supply Pastor for the past two and a half years. You have been supportive, patient, forgiving, kind, accepting, loving. Your gracious spirit has given me energy and joy. As we have experienced the highs and lows of life in community through worship, fellowship, births, baptisms, confirmations, hospitalizations, weddings, life milestones, funerals, and other daily activities that are shared between a Pastor and People, I have experienced an intimacy with you that has made this time very rich for me. Thank you, again, for the honor and privilege.

It is interesting for me to look back at some of the history of these past two and a half years. On February 17, 2019 Pastor Bethany Rutten-Kampees concluded her ministry with Our Redeemer’s. I was asked to serve as Interim Supply Pastor beginning on March 3, 2019. That continued until June 16, 2019 when the Covid 19 Pandemic forced much of the world to go into quarantine, prohibiting public gatherings. After a few Sundays with no worship gatherings at Our Redeemer’s, we have used a combination of parking lot short range FM broadcasting for participants in cars and lawn chairs, live stream worship accessible worldwide on the church website, as well as in-person worship inside the church. That pattern continues with all three options available to members and friends for their blessing, comfort and safety.

Even though each of us is free to study in depth the assigned Bible readings for each Sunday (the Next Sunday ‘s Readings are always indicated near the bottom of the back page on each Sunday bulletin), my forced study of the scriptures in preparation for the Sermon is always an enriching, deepening, inspiring, blessed discipline that is a rewarding part of serving as the Interim Supply Pastor. I will miss that.

Leading a congregation in worship is also a holy privilege. To keep the worship experience from becoming an empty recitation of words, the worship leader tries to enable all participants to feel the holy encounter with God that each Sunday is meant to be for every worshipper. Of course, the Holy Spirit is the true “worship leader”. For me, leading worship at Our Redeemer’s has given me “holy communion with God”.

I am excited about having Pastor Beth as my Pastor. I did a “happy dance” when I heard that she had accepted the Call. Someone asked me if I would be willing to repeat that “happy dance” for the congregation. The answer is NO! I would not want to put anyone through that embarrassment and pain. I will continue to dance in private.

Blessings and “thank you”,
Fred Mai

Pastor Mai
About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

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