March 25, 2022
Dear Family of Our Redeemer’s,
“a time to weep. . .a time to mourn”. Ecclesiastes 3: 4
“Jesus wept.” John 11:35
There have been several funerals at Our Redeemer’s recently. Members and friends who have been deeply attached in our community and congregation are no longer with us in this world. We are feeling loss and sadness. There have been many tears. Trying to continue a meaningful life without their presence is not easy. An emptiness persists. Weeping and mourning will be part of our journey during the weeks and months to come.
We are moving close to the time in the Church Year that we call Holy Week. We have found hope, beauty, affirmation, mission, and love in this person who demonstrates “God with us”. The journey of Jesus among His friends and disciples will end in a very ugly and painful crucifixion. There will be darkness in the middle of the day. Sorrow, loss, tears, weeping and mourning will invade and dominate the lives of those who had found love, purpose, and meaning in their relationship with Jesus. Unanswered questions and confusion will cast a cloud over the future.
Our world is again experiencing a time that feels like it is the “day of crucifixion” all over again. The millions of people who are suffering and dying in the Ukraine and other similar situations around the world causes us to weep and mourn. Our tears flow in sorrow as these brothers and sisters experience horrendous suffering. We share the pain with them. We pray for an end to the war. There is no way that we can ignore what is happening in the world or pretend that it doesn’t hurt. We weep! We mourn!
Where shall we find hope? As dark as it was on that day we call Good Friday, when “God with us” was put to death, we have learned that God made all things new on the third day. Easter has come! Life will triumph over death! Easter will come into our lives again and again. Morning will break!
In the meantime, it is truly “a time to weep. . .a time to mourn”. All nations of the world are feeling the effects of the war. It affects every part of the globe. There have been generous and sacrificial efforts to help those who are wounded, suffering, hungry, lonely, dying, Our Lutheran partners around the world are on the scene. We can join them with our support. We can pray without ceasing. “May God bring peace and hope!
Blessings on your journey to new life and hope,
Interim Supply Pastor, Fred Mai