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Our Redeemer's

Lutheran Church

Quilting and Bible Study

Please join us March 15th, 2022 at 9 A.M. to help in tying quilts.  Bring a bag lunch & stay for the 1 P.M. Bible Study.  The study is entitled “The Kingdom of God: Here & Now.  Jeanette Kootaka, Women of the Church Secretary. 

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About Us

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). The church was founded in 1895 by Danish immigrants. All are welcomed to worship and commune with us. Music is an important part of our worship service. We are a very rural congregation and are celebrating our 125 year anniversary this year, 2021.


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11005 Country Rd M,
Suring, Wisconsin 54174

Pastor Beth Macha
Church Office Phone: 920-842-2039

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